Trekking Through Autumn

Click HERE to download the 2024 form.

Trekking Through Autumn is a self-guided hiking program that allows you to discover the beauty of autumn in the Medina County parks. Participants who hike at least eight (8) of the designated trails will receive an award. Backpacks are awarded the first year, and hiking pins will be awarded for successive years. Awards are free for Medina County residents. Out-of-county residents and Hinckley residents pay $12 for the backpack and $3 for a hiking pin.



How do I claim my award (please note there are NEW procedures)?

Award pick up (while supplies last) will be at Oenslager Nature Center on Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sundays from 1 - 4 p.m. Awards will no longer be available during the week or at park headquarters. The last day to pick up awards will be Sunday, December 15, 2024. To claim an award, you must have your completed form with you.

This is my first year doing the program, can I get a pin instead of a backpack?

Pins are ordered based on the number of people expected to return to do the program after having received their first-year backpack. We need to ensure we have enough pins for those that have earned them. However, after the deadline for picking up current year awards has passed DECEMBER 15, 2024, participants are welcome to contact Oenslager Nature Center to see if there are any remaining pins that they may purchase. Pins may only be purchased by those people who have completed the program. Pins may not be purchased by non-participants.

I completed the program last year but never turned in my form, can I claim my award after the deadline has passed?

No, you must claim your award by the current year deadline or forfeit your award for the year.

I have done the Trekking through Autumn program for many years, but my backpack has been lost or damaged. Can I get a replacement?

Replacement backpacks may only be purchased once the current year program award pick up deadline has passed: DECEMBER 15, 2024. Once we verify your participation, you may purchase a replacement backpack at the same cost as a non-resident, first-time participant.

I have done the Trekking through Autumn program for many years, but for some reason do not have all of the pins I should have. Can I get replacement pins from previous years?

Yes, once we verify your participation for the year you do not have a pin for, you are welcome to purchase a pin at the same cost as a non-resident participant, provided we still have some for the year in question.

Can I purchase a pin or a backpack if I haven’t completed the program?

No, pins and backpacks are awards for those who have completed the program. We do not sell them to those who have not completed the program.

I completed the program and have received my awards; can I purchase additional awards?

No, awards are limited to one per person. The only time you can request additional awards is if yours have been lost or damaged. (See above for guidelines on purchasing lost/damaged awards).